
A Summer to Remember

Congratulations you made it!
This summer was a thrill. So many memories were made. Not all good, but not all bad. I will forever be changed by the events of my summer. One event in particular. AFRICA

My first journal entry before I landed, "Here I am making my first journal entry. I am a little nervous. I will be in a land that has a different language, people, food, and culture. It is so much easier to interact with the people when you speak the same language. I also don't know anyone in my group (besides Jaycie). I met one girl, in our group, in the airport. She seems super nice. These next few weeks should be fun...."

Well that was the first of many journal entry. Most of them were just a simple recap of the day, but others are full of stories that have touched my heart forever. Each person in Cape Verde, Africa has a very unique story. Their lives are unreal. How could such horrible things happen to such good people? When we had down time in the evenings we would get together with the Young Single Adults from the island. The ones that spoke, broken, English told us their stories.  I was privileged to hear the story of one person in particular:

"Do you like it here?" He asked. 
"Yes, I like it very much. My life is changing each day. I am becoming a better person because of all of everyone here" I replied. 
"That is good, I wish I could be like you."
"Why do you want to be like me?"
"You come from America. I want to go to America. Everyone is kind and you are free. That is my dream. You know I love to sing and dance right? I will be able to do everything I love if I go to America. When I was little my father married another woman. She is not a good woman. She made my father tell me I can no longer sing or dance. I was in a band, but there is no band anymore. She took away my passion. I am also the only member, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in my home. It is hard. I am also the only one that hasn't tasted alcohol. Well, if you don't count the time my brother forced it down my throat."

Do you know that feeling you get in the back of your throat? The one you get before you cry, and no matter how many times you swallow it won't go away. Well, that feeling hit me like a brick. I didn't know what to say. I have a good life back in the states. I have a siblings that loves me, great parents, a house that wasn't made out of cinder blocks, and a strong testimony of Christ. What more did I need? Plus the fact that I live in America is a blessing on its own. I have gone through some hard things, but nothing compared to anything he had gone through. What was I supposed to say? 

He continued to tell me, "Sometimes I just want to hide from the world. I am small and not seen, but every time I try to hide from the world God works a miracle. He brings the missionaries to me. (To find out more about LDS Missionaries visit lds.org or click on Believe) I go on splits with them and they give me hope. God knows me, and you know what he loves you too."

I had an answer for that one. "It's because you are strong and a great example for others in the ward. Not are you an example to those in the ward, but you are an example for me. You are needed in the world, and I know you can do it."

The conversation continued but WOAH. The people never ceased to amaze me with their testimonies. If we just rely on God and the love he has for us we can overcome anything. I could go on and on about my trip and all that it taught me, but who has time for that. 

To end, here is the last journal entry I made in Africa, "Yet another day has passed and things are still getting better and better, well except for today. Today is the day I have to say goodbye. I'm not ready for this. I am going to hate leaving this country. I came in not knowing what to expect. I didn't know anyone, besides Jaycie, in my group or any one that lived in Cape Verde, I didn't know a lick of Portuguese, and I didn't know I could love as much as I did. I have fallen in love with everything I didn't know. Well, the food I could live without, but the culture was one of love and humility. Those are two things I could never live without. I am thankful for the gospel and how it influences my life. Without it I wouldn't have met the people I did. I know that wherever I got the gospel of Jesus Christ will always remain the same."



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