
Beauty Is How Humans See God

This post is long over due, but the stress of college swallowed me whole. College is a strange place. I went from a world of being sheltered all the time to a place where I have to figure everything out on my own. I went from the comfort of home, a place I love, to always getting outside my comfort zone. I have made memories that will last a life time. My roommates are crazy and I learn to love them more and more each day. We have our ups and down, but I get to practice patience and communication. 

I walk to class each day wondering who I will meet next; wondering what cool things will I see or hear. Some days are good. I meet interesting people that help me see the world differently. Just the other day in humanities someone said, "beauty is how humans see God." That statement left an imprint on my soul. How profound. BEAUTY IS HOW HUMANS SEE GOD. God loves us so much that he left us beauty. Imagine an Earth without sunsets, mountains, stars, or even something as simple as a smile. Without all that we might as well stay in the comfort of our homes. I now when I wake up and hear the sound of rain I get to look outside my window and feel God's love. The weather is changing, leaves are falling, and the rain has picked up, but you know what it's all because God loves us. 

I ALSO GOT TO GO HOME. The longest I have been away from my family has been three weeks. So after midterms I decided it was time to surprise my family. It took everything I had to hold it in, but it was a success. When I rang the door bell everyone ran to get the door (because everything is a competition in my house). Then it was a blur. Hugs all around. Being away from home I have learned the value of family (and home cooked meals). My family is great the older I get the stronger bonds I have with them. Life is good.

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