
The Day I Fall In Love

     LOVE: the way someone's eyes shine as another person laughs; not being able to live without the person that makes you happy. 
     The day I fall in love will be a strange day. I am only 18. My whole life is ahead of me college, an LDS mission, and just plain old life. There is so much to do and so much to see with only a little time. Yet from the time I was in diapers I always dreamed of my wedding and being with THE ONE. My wedding "style" was always changing. One day I wanted everything country and the next it was all sparkles. Currently, I just live one day at a time because everything is constantly changing no matter how hard I try to stop it.
      The one thing that has always stayed the same is my image of "The One". First things first. TALL. I am 5' 11", so if he isn't tall he isn't the one for me. Eyes: big and brown. Smile: the bigger the better.
      But really the physical attributes aren't what matter most to me. "The one" will be someone who has a strong testimony of Christ because through Christ all things are possible, and having a strong testimony of Christ is more attractive then someone who is tall, has brown eyes, and a perfect smile. He is someone who is willing to love me for who I am. He is someone that will put up with my mistake because I am in NO way perfect or even close to it. He is someone who is smart and loves hard work. He not only loves works hard but knows how to build and create with his hands. There is nothing more attractive then seeing a guy work hard. Well, seeing a guy who is really good with kids is equally as attractive. Lastly, someone who is willing to adventure with me and try the things I love. 
     Although I am not quite ready yet I know I will be one day, and I'll be okay with that. Because that will be the day I fall in love.


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