
Dream a Little Bigger

There is nothing better then the feeling of unity. These people are from all around the country; they came, some on their own, to a place they may or may have not known. Some come to meet new people and others come to reach new heights, literally if they decided to climb or repel. They each come ready to focus, challenge themselves, become a leader, create harmony, and are willing to be transformed. 

This was nothing new to me. I was once in their shoes. I remember the feeling I had driving down to my first Elevation my stomach was churning with nerves, and my blood was pumping from the adrenaline. Who was I going to meet? Would they like me? Would I be able to challenge myself and become a leader? The answer soon came. Monday morning we smushed everyone in my car and headed to Veyo. 5 hours later we arrived to the bright smiling faces of our mentors and trail guides. The nerves were gone. The whole weeks was nothing but pure bliss. I fell in love with climbing, learning, and the idea of being/becoming a leader. 

Fast forward to last week, August 2nd. I was back in the car heading to Veyo for the 3rd time. This time, however, was different. I was no longer a student.  I was now the happy smiling trail guided that greeted the students as they arrived. Sunday the staff met and were able to connect through challenges. My nerves were calmed, but I was still a little uneasy.  New questions were running through my head. Am I old enough? I went to school with some of these people. What if they still see me as a student? Can I do this? Well, I was soon going to find out. Once noon hit, the kids started flooding in.  Some I knew others I was just meeting for the first time, but no matter who they were they all had smiles on their faces. "I can do this" was the only though running through my head. I could and I did. 

The whole week I was able to see the kids bond and grow. Walls and façades were broken, which helped their connections grow even stronger. Through all of this I think I was the one that changed the most. I was able to form my connections to the students by offering the advise of a fresh graduate. Most importantly, I was able to see the students challenge themselves. I spent most of my time at the climbing walls, and there is nothing better then watching someone who is afraid of heights finish a route. The smile on their faces is that of accomplishment. They, after a little struggle, know they are capable of anything. If anything climbing is a mental block more so then physical, and I was able to help the students through that. 

So I grew to love the people at Elevation. They are my family and will be forever. No more fear. No more questions.  All because connections were made, walls crumbled, stories were shared, and a family was created. 


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